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CSA Support

Fast and efficient support.
Get the support of leading experts in PRIMAVERA solutions.

Access, without charge, the PRIMAVERA Support Center service. As part of your Continuity Software Agreement, we provide the support of a team of experts to solve technical problems related to PRIMAVERA solutions.

Technical support is provided by a network of over 500 partners. However, to address situations when your partner is completely unavailable, we provide the resolution of two Support Incidents for each year of contract, free of charge.

Response to critical situations
Ensure the operability of your management system in critical situation when your PRIMAVERA partner is completely unavailable.

Access the Emergency Support Service, a service provided by a team of specialised professionals with deep knowledge of PRIMAVERA solutions.

Easy access
Request PRIMAVERA Support Centre for technical assistance, through the means that suits you best. We offer several ways to access the Emergency Support Service - telephone, email or Elevation Space.

Select the most appropriate means according to the urgency of the situation you wish to report. We guarantee a fast and quality service.

High level of service (SLA)
We analyse each request with the utmost urgency. We ensure responsiveness and quality of service.

The PRIMAVERA Support Centre meets the most demanding SLA parameters (Service Level Agreement) on the market. Thus, ensures rapid response to your technical issues, minimizing the maximum impact on the normal performance of your activity.